《觉知的力量 》之陈一燕老师

《觉知的力量 》之陈一燕老师 扫二维码继续学习



why woulld i want to stay with unpleasantness? Often,my first response is you wouldn,t want to and we don't want to and that's completeiy natural.We are rigged.

Our nervous systems are rigged not to like unpleasantness,so we naturally have this tendency to pull back.



get tied

creates more unpleasantness

our psyche still knows that something's there and that we're pushing it away. There's a chronic sense of apprehension


get indentified with the resisting self or the defending self or the controlling self or the fearing self. 

the geat gift of this training in awareness is that changes our relationgship with experience.


迷失于思考 需要时间,好奇和善意


从内而外的感觉 学会与不愉快相处


与完整的自己断开 不愉快*正念=自由

let it be, 创造空间 从和痛苦斗争到允许

让注意安住:锚定点 (呼吸,话语,手脚四周声音等),

复原力/平衡 - 发现空间的能力靠训练(改变关系,训练这对翅膀),这个空间创造自由


