《觉知的力量 》之正念父母心特别版

《觉知的力量 》之正念父母心特别版 扫二维码继续学习



learning into fear()

as we have been exploring,when we 're in the face of danger, we all want to find some sense of safety and belonging

there's a story of one mother tells of her 3 young children having a major fight ,and she sends them to bed and then there's this huge thunderstorm and she hears sounds of whispering form upstairs snd when she goes upstairs,she finds them in the closet and she goes,"oh,we've here in the closet forgiving each other".

As we practice resourcing,we begin to have sufficient access ti the feelings of connection and safety that we need to then begin really diping into the raw emotions,to the grief,to the fear that we've spent quite a long time avoiding.

agine,form the realm of kayaking,we have a pretty good metaphor which is in form of the keeper's hole,and if you have heard of a keeper's hole,they're deadly,circling cueernts and they trap whatever's in it and suck it under.

There's one frieng who describes a kayaker who flipped out of his boat and he got caught in one and he was fighting it and he was exhausted because it's dragging you down to the depths and he was fighting to stay up,takes a final big gulp of air,and then swam down the current to the deepest,coldest,darkest,scariest depths.A few minutus later,he was drawn to the surface about 20 feet away and he was free form that.He swam towards that which he was most afraid of.Sometimes we call that learning into fear.Just the honor that it takes,a great courage,agreatness of heart willingly turned towards thoese parts ofour body and parts of our psyche that feel really scary.What motivates us is this:That we have an intuitive sense that we really can't behold.

we being 


