When there's any degree of something's not right with who I am.It's very,very difficult to trust a connection with other people. It's hard to take risks. It's hard to feel creative. It's hard to relax and enjoy the moments.
<Radical Acceptance>彻底的接受
The alchemy of self-compassion is to touch the place of vulnerability.自我慈悲的魔力是去触摸脆弱的地方to really feel what I sometimes consider the ouch, the place that's hurting inside us.去真切地感受内心里伤害到我们的地方
Call me by my true name<请呼唤我的真名>Thinch Nhat Hahn
Thich Nhat Hanh
There is a brokeness out of which comes the unbroken, a shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable.There is a sorrow beyond all grief which leads to joy and a frgility out of whose depths emerges strength.