Mindfulness is an invitation to dignity and graciousness.
You must be present to win.
另一个是慈爱,慈爱的临在, 而非评判或试图操纵或评估,而是一份关爱,那时一个明智的反应将随之诞生。
The practice of present combines two aspects:
The first is awareness, a clear seeing of what is present here and now.
The other is loving kindness, a loving presence, not judging or trying to manipulate or evaluating, but a loving cares from which then a wise response will be born.
How does this training start? There is a ture story of a famous biologist,George Schaller whose work was carried on by Dian Fossey. When George Schaller came back from his time studing gorillas in their native habitat he had all the stories, and how their familly structure and community was related in ways that no one had ever seen before.
In presenting this to a large conference of bilolgist someone raise their hand and said,Dr. Schaller we've been studing gorillas certainly we, from the scientific community,now for generations and you have so much more information, How did you do this? He said,"It's simple, I didn't carry a gun."
It begins from honor your body.
Little practice