《觉知的力量 》11月班 - 陆维东老师

《觉知的力量 》11月班 - 陆维东老师 扫二维码继续学习



fear becomes suffering when it over-setps its bounds


resourcing: we have find a pathway to keep safety

a pathway back to a sense of balance, everyone has the pathway to have a sense of balance.





* We will find fear in the core part when we look into the emotion. It is the nature feature of hunman being.

* fear only becomes suffering when it cross the boundery

* emotional abuse 

* PTSD = ?

* identify things that trigger the fear from the past inside your

* be alert to the "body fear"

* tense muscles = defending the existence

* R.A.I.N is the prior step

* Find a still place to pause when facing a lot strong emotion current

* The still place is the inner source of you

* Could be: Grounding / Deepen breathe / comforting words / 

* spend time and practice to find the still place, the inner source inside you

